The Siechant Whisper
A creative journey into the unconsious mind

by Nathan Michaels
This story is an excerpt from a greater work-in-progress,
“The Jerusalem Canvas”, by Nathan Michaels.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
Into the Darkness
The ground under their feet began to tremble, and they came to a stop. Benny, a young man in the mysterious land of Khenvasia, was on a quest to find his missing father. At present, he was being led through a dark cave by Resman, a wise elder with the strength of someone decades younger than him. They had been walking for some time before the ground began shaking, but then the shaking stopped.
Remarkably calm and seemingly undisturbed by the sound, Resman calmly turned towards Benny, as the light from the lantern that he was carrying revealed the fear on Benny’s face. “Fear gets its power from what you don’t know or understand”, he said in a calm, yet intense voice. “This portion of your journey is to acquire a power greater than the power of your fears. You must enter the Critical Realm to gain what you will need to be able to stand firm against the challenges you will face up ahead. Are you afraid?”, he asked, holding the light closer to Benny’s face.
“What’s the Critical Realm?”, Benny slowly asked, trying to conceal the increasing anxiety within him.
“It is that space where the original power of your emotive energy, the power within you to become and do whatever you truly desired, was sabotaged, weakened, and redirected to those forces working toward your demise”.
Resman studied Benny’s face for a few moments, and said, “The Crimenpo Space must be restored to its true purpose”, before turning to resume leading the way. But just as Benny was about to ask him what he meant, the ground suddenly began shaking again.
This time the shaking was more violent, and the louder the rumbling grew, the more the ground shook – violently rising and falling, causing Benny to fall to the ground, rising and falling with it, while he frantically reached out for anything to hold on to. Strangely, he noticed that somehow Resman was able to remain on his feet, rising and falling with the ground, seemingly unaffected by what was going on. Then the ground began to crack, and opened up with a loud noise of what sounded like massive stretching metal. Benny saw that the widening crack was coming in his direction, and he struggled to crawl away from it, but the next thing he knew, the ground beneath him had given-away, and he suddenly found himself clinging for dear life, hanging from the edge of what was now a cliff!
By this time, Resman had made it over to Benny and was holding on to him by his wrists, with Benny’s legs dangling in the air.
“Resman! Help me!”, Benny pleaded with what was left of his breath.
Looking up into his eyes, Benny was startled to see that Resman didn’t even appear to be struggling to hold on to him. He seemed mysteriously calm, but his grip was strong- as if he were using some kind of supernatural strength. His look caused a slight calming effect on Benny, yet he felt a strange uneasiness at the same time.
He slowly started to look down to see how far he might have to fall should Resman lose his grip, when Resman said, “Don’t look down. Look up.” Benny looked back up to see Resman looking at him so intently that his eyes seemed to pierce right through him.
Then, in a firm, slow, confident voice Resman said, “Always remember that your strength”, he paused, and then continued, “…your true strength lies just on the other side of your fear”, he said with a slight grin – before releasing his grip, as Benny, with a fearful cry of anguish, fell into the darkness below.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
The Auditorium Darkroom
“No! No! Stop! Leave me alone!!”, a voice cried in the distance, waking Benny from a deep sleep. Squinting his eyes, he could see a strange light in the ceiling above him, but heard nothing else. He wondered where he was, as he tried to reach up to rub his eyes, but realized that his arms were buried deep within the soft material of whatever it was that he was laying in.
He remembered falling into darkness, and he realized that this must be where he landed. It was something like a very deep sofa. It was very soft – too soft to be able to sit upright in – and deep dark red in color: blood red. He was laying on his back, and was so deeply engulfed in it that it completely surrounded him, except for his face.
Benny feared that some of the red in the sofa might be his own blood, for his body ached. He couldn’t see his arms or legs; all that he could see and feel was the warm, damp, red fabric of the sofa as it seemed to move around his arms, hands, legs, and the rest of his body. It felt heavy on him, but after a brief struggle he was able to free his arms. Then he was able to slowly push himself up into a sitting position.
He looked around and saw that he was in a strange room that looked like an overcrowded furniture storage area, for there were strange-looking sofas of various colors, sizes and shapes, wildly situated throughout the room. They did not look like normal sofas; they were all over-stuffed, and their colors were sharp and vivid – so much so that some of them were almost painful to look at with his squinting eyes. But as he looked, much to his surprise, some of them appeared to be moving, slowly expanding and contracting, as if they were breathing!
He looked down at the red sofa-like mass that he was in and knew that he had to free himself right away. He struggled further to free first one leg, then the other one. Then standing upright, breathing heavily and physically exhausted, he looked around at the strange sight before him.
Just then, there was a commotion, and what sounded like someone running towards him from behind. He turned towards the sound, and saw that it was coming from the other side of a set of closed double-doors. Suddenly, they flew open as a young boy came crashing through, running right past Benny, and jumping headlong into one of the purple-colored sofas. It was a strange sight indeed, as Benny watched him squirm and then roll over on to his back, revealing the boy’s expression of fear on his face. But then he saw his expression change to one of calm, even gradually displaying a slight grin, as to Benny’s amazement, the boy sank deeper into the purple fabric, until with one final heave of the sofa, he was gone!
Benny stood there, staring at the sofa in shock, when suddenly he heard the scream of a woman. Then the double doors flew open again, as a woman came running through, with a look of desperation on her face. Running past Benny, she too hurled herself onto one of the sofas. This time it was a different one – a green sofa – and it heaved and expanded as she landed in it, face-down. Then, just like the boy before her, she squirmed around and rolled over on to her back, with her expression of desperation changing to one of calm, as she too began to sink deep into the green fabric of the sofa, with a slight grin on her face. Within moments, she too had vanished into the sofa!
Benny didn’t know what to think, anxiously glancing back and forth between the heaving sofas and the double-doors. Then he saw another door on the other side of the room, beyond the strange sofas. Thinking that it might be a way of escape, he was just about to start running towards it, when he heard someone call out his name from behind the double-doors, “Benny, come on in!”.
Turning his head back towards the double-doors, he could now hear what sounded like some kind of gathering or party going on. “Benny!”, someone called again, “come on – hurry up before you miss it!”.
The voice sounded familiar to him as he stood there for a moment, before slowly and carefully making his way towards the double-doors. As he got closer, he could hear laughter – it sounded like someone was having a really good time! Then he realized that he was beginning to recognize some of the other voices as well. He also noticed a strange feeling of complete familiarity beginning to come over him, but he couldn’t explain it.
As he neared the doors, suddenly all the noise stopped. Benny carefully approached the doors and slowly cracked one of them open to look inside. He saw that everything was dark, so he pushed it open a little more, cautiously sticking his head further in.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
Allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he then saw a long, dim blue light stretching around the base of the walls in what seemed like a dark auditorium, but he didn’t see anyone. He wondered where they had all gone, as the room was completely silent. Then, after a few moments, he started to hear the same voices, but they were very low, as if someone had turned down the volume. He started walking towards the voices, as they gradually started to get louder.
Now standing completely inside the auditorium, Benny noticed faint moving images of people on the wall before him – in fact, they were on the walls all around him. As one of the images grew brighter, he was startled to see what appeared to be a video rerun of Resman holding on to him by his wrists, as he was dangling from the edge of the ground that had opened up beneath him earlier. It was like a replay of what had just happened to him, and he could hear and see everything. He saw the intense look of fear on his face and in his eyes. But more importantly, he could feel the same feeling of fear beginning to envelope him again – so much so that he had to look away to something else.
He quickly turned towards the left wall to see another image growing in intensity, along with accompanying sound. It also appeared to be reruns of actual situations from his past that had caused him fear or embarrassment. Again, he immediately began to feel those same feelings and emotions, as if what he was seeing and hearing was about to happen again, and he quickly looked away. But no matter where he looked, all around him were active scenes of frightful, embarrassing, painful situations from his past, none of which he looked at for long, because of the bad feelings the sounds and sights were stirring up within him.
Realizing that he was now in the middle of the room, in the midst of the sound and active video scenes all around him, with his head spinning inside, it was too much for him to handle. He had to get out. Frantically looking around, he caught sight of an exit sign above the doors that he had come through. With his heart racing and perspiration running down his face, he ran straight towards the doors, as the sound kept getting louder and louder.
Crashing through the double-doors, just as the boy and woman had done before him, his momentum quickly carried him straight towards the same dark-red sofa that he had originally landed in before entering the auditorium. But just short of falling into it, he managed to stop and regain his balance, as he desperately looked for an escape. The strange sofas were all expanding and contracting, as if breathing in anticipation of him jumping into one of them.
He then remembered the door on the other side of the room, and was just about to run towards it, when a hand reached through the double-doors from behind him and grabbed his arm. Benny turned and saw a tall, darkly robed figure coming through the doors, trying to pull him back in. He struggled violently, broke free of his grip, and ran as fast as he could, weaving through the heaving sofas along the way, until he reached the door on the other side of the room.
Once slamming the door shut behind him, he found himself standing in the middle of a hallway. He frantically looked up the hall and saw two tall, darkly-robed figures rapidly approaching him. He turned and started running down the hall away from them. It was a long hall that had a long curve to it, so he couldn’t see what might be waiting up ahead.
After running for a short time Benny looked back, and although he couldn’t see them, he could hear them coming. He turned back around, and just as he was about to continue running, he was shocked to see Resman standing right in front of him. “Resman!”, Benny gasped, looking at him as he stood strong with his staff in his hand. “Resman”, he exclaimed again between breaths, “Why!?”.
Resman looked straight into Benny’s eyes. “You have seen and experienced your Critical Realm, and the turmoil therein. You have seen your fear. Now enter the other side, to find your strength”, he said, slowly gesturing towards a door that Benny hadn’t noticed.
Just then Benny looked and saw one of the dark robes quickly approaching him. He saw that it was attempting to reach out to grab him, but Benny was still too far from its reach.
Continuing to race towards him, suddenly it’s hood flew off, revealing a skeleton’s head! At the same time, it reached out a long skeleton arm, continually stretching way out, much further than the length of a normal arm, far beyond the length of the robe’s sleeve, its boney hand reaching straight towards Benny! His eyes wide with horror, Benny quickly turned back to Resman, but Resman had vanished. Just as the skeleton’s boney fingers were about to reach his face, Benny frantically opened the door, went in, and slammed it shut behind him.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
The Other Side of the Darkroom
Benny stood there in the darkness – he couldn’t see or hear anything. He kept his hands tightly on the doorknob, frantically looking around, waiting for his eyes to adjust. With his heartbeat pounding in his chest, he knew that at any moment his pursuers would try to pry open the door, but nothing happened.
As he stood there, wondering what he should do, he began to notice the faint sound of music – a soft, sustained, harmonious tone from somewhere further in, or beyond the room. He also began to smell the scent of something that he recognized. It was the same wonderful, captivating scent that was with the mysterious package and painting from his father, that first led him into Khenvasia! (But that is from another story).
He also began to hear the sound of birds happily chirping all around him. The mysterious, yet pleasant sounds and scents so overwhelmed him that he began to loosen his grip on the doorknob, until he unconsciously released it altogether.
Benny had assumed that he was the only one in the room – until he heard it – a whisper, so soft that he thought someone was standing right next to him, but its presence was such that it seemed as if it came from everywhere in the room at the same time. The whisper repeated three times, “It is yours, Benny. It’s within you; embrace it – claim your space”. The third time that the whisper repeated, it was so intense that Benny sensed – he knew – that it was somehow coming from within him. And then, much to his surprise, Benny saw something that he never expected.
As if on queue, the third time that he had heard the whisper, he saw a most spectacular sight right before his eyes. It was like the beginning of a new scene in a movie. He saw the sun coming up from behind a majestic mountain in the distance, causing the darkness to fade, as the most beautiful scenery he had ever experienced in his life came into view before him. He could feel a slight breeze carrying the warmth of the sun from beyond the rolling hills before him; all this from what was supposed to be inside of a room! A broad smile came across his face. He was totally captivated by what he saw. He stood there in a blissful daze, looking around at the beauty before him – and even behind him, for the door had vanished!
He stood there basking in the new, wonderful feeling he was experiencing. It was almost as if he’d forgotten all of the strange things that had happened up to this point. He wondered if this was even real. Then he heard a familiar voice. “Yes, this is real”, Resman said, standing behind Benny.
Puzzled, Benny realized that the whisper he had heard earlier wasn’t Resman’s voice. “What is this place?”, he asked, turning toward Resman. “I heard this strange whisper when I…”, Benny paused.
“You have entered a place that so many, unknowingly, try to avoid”, Resman said, gesturing with his hand. “This is Siespace Nimahlis, and the powerful energy that you’re feeling here, actually existed within you at your beginning, but you’ve long since forgotten. There is a powerful space within you that once possessed the power and emotive energy for you to do, to be, to create whatever your mind could conceive”, he said, fixing his eyes on Benny. “It was freely available to you, but that was before the negative energy of the Critical Realm filled that space. The Auditorium Darkroom experience was a reflection of the effects of the Critical Realm.
“There is not much time, so you must be of quick understanding. It has been granted for you to experience the ability to perceive those spaces that are actually inside you, at the core-level of your being, through your experience in the Darkroom, and your experience here, in Siespace Nimahlis.
The Darkroom represents the storage space of your deepest, debilitating feelings, fears, and emotions that have filled that space within you from your past; not just you, but all those of your kind, from your world beyond the Canvas. You were also able to see the others’ interactions with their own Darkroom experiences, and how they reacted when they ran out of the Auditorium”.
“The monster-sofas!”, Benny exclaimed, as a slight grin came across Resman’s face. “They jumped into them, but when they sank deeper, they had smiles on their faces”, Benny said, looking at Resman.
“In their eyes”, Resman responded, “they only saw the sofas as comfort and escape from painful, emotional memories, and chose to jump into familiar, comfortable behaviors, not realizing that they were really monsters consuming the potential creative energy within them. But you saw and wanted something higher; your reaction was different, which is why you are here, and they are not”.
Benny was listening intently as Resman spoke, but just then he noticed a new sensation in addition to what he was already feeling. It was like a gentle swirling in his belly, only it was much more intense, and Resman could see the change in the expression on his face. Benny looked down, began breathing hard and started to feel lightheaded, as Resman reached out to put his hand on Benny’s shoulder.
“It’s alright”, Resman said. “Your body is adjusting to the reacquaintance of your true self – your true purpose. Your being here in this special place, is preparing you for the re-establishment of a more powerful internal space, to disrupt and replace the power and influence of the Darkroom space within you. It’s one thing to experience being in Siespace Nimahlis, but another thing for Siespace Nimahlis to be within you. But to complete the process, you will need to encounter the Soundwriter.
After a few moments Benny raised his head and looked at Resman. “Who is the Soundwriter?”, he asked.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
“The Soundwriter has the ability to create sound- special sound that inspires clarity, focused purpose and awareness, all towards giving you the power to overcome whatever obstacle comes your way. With that power, nothing can stop you”, Resman said.
“All that from a sound?”, Benny asked.
“Everything that exists around you – birds in flight, the beauty of rushing water, the beautiful colors of autumn and spring and the fragrances they carry, all things exist through vibration; through sound. Sound – vibration, influences feelings and emotions. Understand that you only do that which you deeply feel, so ultimately, your actions are directly influenced by vibration; sound.
“The vibrations created by the Soundwriter’s work has the power to affect your senses, causing the disrupted feelings and emotions of the Critical Realm, to realign in support of who you really are: an agent of creation. You are a Creator with the power to disempower all doubt and fear in pursuit of that dream, that purpose that you’ve made clear in your mind. That emotive energy, freed from the Critical Realm, will literally drive you towards the manifestation of what is in your heart. But you must open yourself to receive this new space as the higher alternative to the Critical Realm.
After a few moments Benny said, “I feel… like I’m getting everything, but I’m still missing something”, Benny responded, turning to look towards a path nearby.
“Of course”, Resman said, as he turned and walked towards the path that Benny was looking at. “Walk with me”.
With Resman leading the way, the two of them walked for a while before nearing the rushing water of a nearby stream. There, they took in a most peculiar sight before them: in one direction, upstream from where they stood, everything appeared more colorful and vibrant. There were more trees, and a slight breeze made everything appear more animated and lively.
But looking in the opposite direction, downstream from where they stood, the view was startlingly different. It was as if the life had been sucked out of the scenery before them, for everything looked gloomy and depressing, as if the colors had faded from everything. Where you would have expected to see more trees, there was only dark, dreary-looking foliage, and the rushing water had become almost motionless, and looked more like a swamp. Sad-looking, overgrown plants and vines obscured the view of where the water flowed from there.
As Benny stood there looking at what was before him, quite a distance off, amidst the dreary-looking foliage, he thought that he saw one of the dark-robed skeletons looking at him from the other side of the swamp. But that area was dark, and the foliage obscured his view, so he wasn’t quite sure of what he saw. At the same time, he suddenly sensed that the wonderful feeling that he’d been experiencing was beginning to fade. Then he heard the whisper again, “The Darkroom beckons, and it’s Septors seek you out”.
Resman saw Benny peering very hard at the depressing sight. His booming voice interrupted Benny’s intense gaze. “We are at the edge of Nimahlis, and the difference between that”, he said, gesturing towards the bleak sight before them, “and that”, he said, having turned, gesturing towards the more pleasant-looking scene upstream, “is your perception”.
“Did you hear that – that whisper?”, Benny asked, turning to look at Resman.
“That wasn’t for me to hear”, Resman answered. “It was for you. You must rise above what has become familiar to you: the pull of the Critical Realm. It is where the filters of your mind have disrupted your perception. The Septors seek to keep you powerless in the Critical Realm.
Benny turned towards Resman. “Septors?”, he asked.
“Yes – You just saw one, there, beyond the swamp”, Resman said, gesturing towards where Benny had been looking. “They were pursuing you down the hall. Their purpose is to keep your emotive energy diverted to the Critical Realm, your feelings and emotions locked in a perpetual cycle between the Darkroom and the sofas. They exist to distract your mind from your true potential power, the reality of Siespace Nimahlis. If they fail, they know you will be a threat to the Tedigen – their world of deception that rules over Cloverland, just beyond there, where you were looking. Their strength is drawn from making you an enemy to yourself, through your disrupted perception.
“In order to resist their power, you must keep Siespace Nimahlis alive within you, and to help you do that, there is something that you will need for where you are going”. Resman paused for a moment, looking intently into Benny’s eyes, and then turned momentarily to look in the direction of the swamp. Benny quickly turned to look back towards the depressing sight, as the realization of what Resman said began to sink in. His mouth fell open in shock.
“I have to go there?”, Benny asked, in disbelief.
Resman left Benny standing there in a daze, walked a little ways upstream, and then towards the more vibrant, flowing area of the broad stream. Briefly studying the water, he then abruptly stabbed his long staff into the ground so that it stood there by itself. He then carefully stepped out onto some large stones and made his way about midway across the stream.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
By the time Benny looked to see where Resman was, he had already rolled up the sleeves of his garment and stooped down to scoop up something from out of the water. Benny watched as Resman gathered the loose, wet, clay-like substance, and noticed strange sparkles and glitter flashing within it as he worked it with his hands. Soon he had worked it until just one of his hands was able to hold it. He then balanced himself with his other hand and used the same stones to make his way back to his staff, and to where Benny was now standing.
Before Benny could say anything, Resman said, “You will need this”, as he held the sparkling mass so that Benny could see it up close. “This is Cydobal clay, and when it’s active it will assist you in ways you might not understand – especially in Cloverland”.
Resman slowly handed the Cydobal clay to Benny, and as soon as it fell into his hands, Benny noticed that it instantly changed from warm to cold, with no glitter or sparkles. He slowly squeezed the clay for a few moments. It was soft, but not soft enough to fall apart, and although it felt good in his hands, nothing happened. “What’s this supposed to do?”, he asked, looking up at Resman.
Resman then pulled out a small balled-up cloth and carefully unravelled it, revealing what looked like some small black stones. “These are Ehmet seeds”, he said, as he carefully selected one and wrapped the remaining seeds back up in the cloth before slipping it back into one of the deep pockets of his garment. He stood there for a few moments looking at the Cydobal clay in Benny’s hands. “It’s not ready”, he said to Benny, while at the same time reaching into one of the other pockets of his garment, “because you’re not ready”. And then, looking straight into Benny’s eyes he said, “The Splash must come upon you”.
Benny could feel the seriousness of Resman’s look, as he slowly asked, “What’s …the …Splash?”. In the intensity of the moment, with his eyes still fixed on Benny, Resman slowly took a step backward, away from Benny. Then another. Then, stepping backward again, while bringing out a small cloth bag, sensing Benny’s anxiety, he said, “Stay where you are”.
Benny knew something was about to happen and wondered what in the world was Resman was going to do next. He watched as Resman reach in and pull out what looked like more Cydobol clay, but it was a little darker, and just like the Cydobal that he had produced from the water earlier, this one also glistened with mysterious sparkles. He let the empty bag fall to the ground and then began to press the Ehmet seed into his Cydobal clay, and where it made contact, the clay began to glow. The deeper he pressed it into the clay, Benny could see a corresponding glowing streak deep in the clay. Benny didn’t know it, but the Cydobal clay had also begun to get warm in Resman’s hands.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
A New Space of Power
He watched in awe, looking at Resman’s hands as they worked and squeezed the Cydobal, and then looked at Resman’s eyes, which were now closed.
Then, much to his surprise, Benny saw that Resman was now floating above the ground, as if he were standing on air! He continued to watch with amazement as Resman slowly floated out over the water, as the wind suddenly began to whip up all around them.
Benny squinted and rubbed his eyes. But when he looked back at Resman, he was shocked to see that he was no longer standing upright, but was now faced-down and horizontal, as if laying in the air with his hands stretched out in front of him. Then, the next thing Benny knew, Resman had suddenly surged forward with a “whoosh!”, and was quickly flying up the river, just above the surface of the water. Within moments, he had blasted way up the river to where trees hid him from Benny’s view, before then shooting straight up into the air!
All that Benny saw was a blur, then what looked like a shooting star going up high in the air, until it looked as if it was almost straight above him. Then it began to fall rapidly, and looked as if the speeding light would soon fall directly on him! But it soon began to slow down to where he could see that it was actually Resman, standing upright now, slowly descending before him.
“That is only some of what you can do when your Cydobal is active. But you must be free from the grasp of the Critical Realm. Your purpose must be clear and in total alignment with the emotive energy emanating from your heart”, Resman said, as he continued to descend until his feet touched the ground.
Benny, whose mouth hung open in awe, didn’t know what to say.
“Your active memory of Siespace Nimahlis, and the emotive energy it is regenerating within you now is the Cydobal’s true source of power”, he said, reaching down to retrieve the small bag that he had let fall to the ground earlier. Dropping the Cydobal into its bag, he then put them somewhere within the many folds of his garment, and continued speaking.
“It will become stronger as you yield to the Siechant whisper, the true voice of your spirit. That part of your unconscious mind was lost within the critical realm, amongst the distractions of the Auditorium Darkroom of your mind. But you have pressed beyond the Darkroom, so now your spirit is reclaiming it’s true voice, your true potential, from beyond the critical realm of your doubts and fears. That voice has been preserved by the work of the Soundwriter, hidden within the music, the musical sound you‘ve heard here in Nimahlis. That sound will be the connection to your experience here, and will guide you in strengthening the new inner space you’re about to receive. With this, your perception will increase, helping to guide and drive you towards achieving your highest dreams”.
Then, as Resman walked toward him, Benny saw that he had produced another small cloth bag, but this one was blue in color. He placed it firmly in Benny’s free hand and said, “With this great increase, you will find that the diminishing, negative power of the Critical Realm will no longer have an influence in the power-moves of your life. Yet, the choice will always be yours.
“And now, it is time for you to approach the water”, he said, stepping backwards, away from Benny. “Free your mind. Open yourself to receive the new space within. Listen for the sound, the sound beyond the music. Let the Splash Effect come upon you. Reclaim who you really are, and focus on the pressing desire of your heart”.
Just then a breeze carried mist from the water towards Benny, and he could feel its dampness on his skin as he looked towards the water. He could now feel something within him drawing him towards it. He was again conscious of the musical sound he had been hearing since entering Nimahlis; a long, sustained, single, yet harmonious tone. He slowly approached the water, still holding the cydobal in one hand, and the small bag that Resman had just given him, in the other.
“Listen beyond the music”, he thought. What does Resman mean? He also began wondering what the Soundwriter might look like, when Resman said, calmly, “Relax, Benny. You’ve come this far, and you know this is for you. Don’t look for the Soundwriter – listen for his sound – listen through the sound, beyond the music. Close your eyes and receive”.
Now standing at the water’s edge, Benny closed his eyes and began to relax, sensing, and somehow knowing – that something powerful, something that he needed, was about to happen. He could smell the wonderful fragrance again, as he breathed it all in deeply. And it was then that the sound – the music – seemed to open up, as he could hear the harmonies begin to move and swirl all around him. A warm, tingling, yet soothing sensation came over him; he was so relaxed that he should have dropped the items that were in his hands, and lost his balance, but he didn’t. He was in a trance, and it was as if some kind of force was holding him in place, as he slightly swayed with the light breeze and the movement of the musical sound. And then, deep within the sound, he could hear the familiar whisper that he had heard earlier, only he could not make out what it was saying.
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
At the same time, the Cydobal clay in his right hand began to tingle, while something within it caused him to squeeze it tighter. A warmer tingling sensation slowly began to spread from his hand, up his arm, past his shoulder to his chest, before quickly spreading from there to the rest of his body, from head-to-toe. He felt as if he was now comfortably leaning back in a warm cloud, being supported and enveloped by a soothing warm wind, combined with the wonderful scent, and musical sound.
“Focus on the pressing desire of your heart”, he heard Resman say, his voice now echoing from somewhere in the distance behind him, “Feel it’s strength, believing that it already is…
“Speak into the breeze from your heart
Cast your spirit into the wind
Let it return in the sound
A splash on your senses
Saturating the vision held within
With the mist of emotive-energy
Arousing unlimited inspiration”
A grin came across Benny’s face, as an image of his father flashed into his mind. He could clearly see his father and himself in an earnest, warm, heartfelt embrace. He envisioned himself standing strong and confident against the Septors, and any other obstacle that might try to defeat them.
And with the warm, mysterious energy still moving within the music all around him, and through him, he began to form words in his mind. It now seemed as if his thoughts were surrounded by a deep orange color, a sensation that became more and more intense, to the point where he just knew it was time to speak.
And with the very first words that he spoke, the intense orange color seemed to come to life, gradually building up and overflowing; gently pouring liquid-warmth slowly from the top of his head, down his face and neck, down the spine of his back and arms – pure warm, liquid energy. And his grin changed into a broad smile as he slowly, and confidently spoke:
“I am powerful and unstoppable in my quest to find my father, and I am continually getting stronger; I overcome every challenge. I have found him, and we are safe and powerful”.
As soon as Benny finished speaking those words, he clearly heard the whisper- the Siechant Whisper, but more enhanced than he’d heard before, coming from within the music in the breeze to him. And to his surprise, the Siechant Whisper was saying the same words he had just spoken into the breeze! But it was as if the words were coming from a higher source of power, with a sense of confirming authority.
“It is now within me”, the whisper was saying, repeating with each deep breath Benny took in, until a loud crack of lightning startled him back to consciousness. It was just in time for him to see that someone or something had just come up out of the swamp water and was quickly approaching Resman. Resman, smiling at Benny, seemed unaware that a dark-robed septor was almost upon him.
“You have the power! Go forward, and know – that through your strength, I will always be”, Resman called out to Benny, just as the dark-robed septor, took a wide, powerful swing with what looked something like a large, sparkling sword, violently striking Resman, causing him to fall.
“Resman!”, Benny cried out, as he saw Resman lying motionless on the ground.
To be continued…
Copyright © 2019 by Nathan G. Michaels
All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.